I haven’t posted to this blog in a long time but I bought a new laptop and I’m ready to throw down some words at last!
So, I ran across another religion related article in the newspaper the other day. I had to giggle in my coffee cup when I read it. Of course it is just one more example of how ridiculous, petty and insane true believers can get when it comes to something related to their imaginary world inhabited with invisible friends.
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Christian and Muslims are battling. About what? Well, Christians were using the word “Allah” to refer to God. The Christians weren't trying to be blasphemering of ol' Yahweh or doing other naughty things with the title. No, they were merely using the words Allah and God interchangeably in their texts and sermons. Oh Dear Jesus, NO!
It seems, the Malaysian Muslims don’t like Malaysian Christians refering to God as Allah. So they are stomping their petulant feet and demanding the Christians “Stop it! Stop it right now!”... Or else.
But the Christians being equally as dedicated to their delusion as the Muslims are to theirs, dug in their holy heels and refused to “Stop it.”
And that meant the government had to step in to squelch the insanity. So Bibles were seized (because you couldn't just let people be writin' Allah just anywhere....) but mainly because the government just happened to agree with the Muslims. The Christians fought back, of course--lawyers were called in and it was off to court for everyone.
The Christians had their day in court and won. Na-na-na-na take that Muslims!
Then the “else” hit the fan. Nine Christian churches were firebombed, threats were a flyin'. People were madder and afraider than ever.
And the crazy just keeps on keepin' on.
I can't help but snicker when I think about how the Muslims and Christians are fighting over who can or cannot use a word, a WORD! They are like rotten kids kicking, biting and scratching in a bratty fight over who can play with a toy...an invisible, imaginary toy.
No, I take it back, not a toy. They are fighting over the made up name of the invisible, imaginary toy---the toy that no one has ever seen, touched, smelled, heard or got a taste of...ever, in all of history, in all of the world, EVER.
Yet they are willing to kill and be killed to include the "name" of this toy in their fairy-tale game.
Oh, Christians and Muslims, you are so cute, so silly, so psychotic. *sigh*
Thank God I'm an atheist.